Montana Vacation, 2001

Part 3:   Visit with the Macurs in Montana


After touring Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, we drove to Bozeman, MT and dropped our rental car off at the airport. Debbie, David and Daniel picked us up and our action-packed Montana visit began. That evening, we met Rich at his workplace at Montana State University, then we all headed to "the M" for a short, but scenic hike. The following day, we all went to the Squaw Creek area for a day of motorcycling, hiking and picnicking.
The M
The "M", near Bozeman.
Squaw Creek
Hiking along Squaw Creek.
Fun around a campfire.
On the next day, we met the Downer family and embarked with them on a scenic dayhike of beautiful Beehive Basin, near Big Sky. While there, Rich and I departed from the pack and scrambled up nearby Beehive Peak. The views from the summit were spectacular! The perfect day ended with a great fireworks show put on by the community of Big Sky.
The hiking group.
Cindy on her way.
The kids kick back.
Reassembled at Beehive Lake.
Beehive Basin
Beehive Basin.
Beehive Peak
Beehive Peak.
Rich climbing.
Still climbing.
Dave at the "crux".
Enjoying the view.
Summit Register
Perusing the summit register.
Summit photo.
After our 3 days of dayhiking, the Macurs took us canoeing and picnicking. Our first adventure was a 3 mile float down the Madison River, west of Bozeman. Our hot, sunny day was interrupted with a rainshower just as we reached the pullout point. All of us took shelter and huddled inside a roomy outhouse while Rich braved wind, rain, cold and traffic to bicycle 3 miles back to the starting point to fetch the car. By the time he safely returned, the rain had stopped and we relaxed with a pleasant picnic. Following that, we were treated to a very enjoyable slideshow by Walter Nixon. The slideshow chronicled a few of the adventures that Walter and Rich had been on, dating back to the early 1980s.
Daniel, ready to go.
The Madison River.
Playing in the river.

Our Montana vacation was extremely enjoyable and one of our most active, thanks to the planning of the Macurs. We had good weather and enjoyed all the people and places that we visited. We look forward to returning for more adventures!

Tetons   tetons                        

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